Wednesday, March 6, 2013

An Almost-Spring Surprise

100% snowed-in today! We awoke to a view of a toppling pile of snow on the latticed rail of the deck, and upon closer inspection, a seemingly infinite world of leafless trees with similar toppling piles. A couple varieties of our feathered friends weren't afraid a little snow. They boldly took turns flying in and out of Guthrie's chicken lair to snatch up unspoken-for bits of feed.

Okay, maybe it wasn't just a little snow. A lot. I very scientifically measured a few different areas around the house with an old measuring tape, with numbers ranging from fourteen to eighteen inches. Finally, the snow storm we've been waiting for all winter! With spring right around the corner.

And I thought I'd throw this in-- my future shop, gathered! Not much to look at now, I know, but picture a couple of urns for flowering herbs, a welcome mat, a hanging sign, and some bad-a#% (is it tactless to say ass?) window displays...


  1. So pretty! A last good snow soaking to start your spring garden off right.

    And the storefront looks wonderful! I can picture it just as you say. It's going to be awesome. I mean badass. Both.

  2. Love the pictures of the snow... and the shop!!!!! So exciting!

    I officially have a pre-opening favorite shop in FroRo. :)
